Inniswood Gardens Maternity Session

Jackson Family


I want to introduce you to some of the most special and wonderful people in my life— my sister Taryn, brother-in-law Dra and most importantly my niece Landry! Being an aunt is seriously just the BEST and I can’t wait to meet my new little niece soon! It’s hard to put into words how beyond excited I am for the arrival of baby Jackson! I can’t wait to see Landry become the worlds greatest big sister and for my daughters to have another cousin to add to their growing “girl gang!” 

We are officially at the stage in her pregnancy where every time my phone rings and it’s Taryn I immediately pick up and ask, “Is it time?! Are you in labor?!” While, she may find this slightly annoying I really can’t contain my excitement— the anticipation is killing me!

Taryn is and has always been my best friend. Having an older sister to always look out for you in life is such a gift. Growing up she always had my back and encouraged me in everything I did. She was always the person I asked for fashion advice  (and let’s be honest, still do), the person I call when I don’t know what to cook for dinner, and forever the person reminding me not to take life too seriously.  She is the aunt who ALWAY has snacks for my kids and the sister who supports me not only in motherhood, but also in running my  business behind the scenes. She is not only the best friend and sister I could ever ask for, but also the most incredible aunt to my girls and loves them as well as she loves her own daughter.  Taryn is someone I’ve always looked up too and I am just so thrilled for her as she prepares to welcome another little baby into the world. 

It was so much fun capturing these maternity photos for them at Inniswood Metro Gardens. We had such a beautiful summer evening full of sunshine and colorful blooms! I loved Taryn’s long flowing dress and Landry is just the cutest in that jumpsuit! Some of my favorite photos are the ones of Landry twirling with her daddy and squeezing him tight. This is such a joyful time for our family and I was so thankful to be able to capture these moments. 

We are ready for you baby girl!!! 

FamiliesTessa Berg